Corporate Events Marketing in Indonesia


The corporate events marketing scene in Indonesia is growing fast. A key fact shows the Marketing-Interactive event on 3 October 2024 at the Westin Jakarta will reach 4.7 million people online. It's also expected to get over 3 million page views1. This shows how important corporate events are becoming for brands to grow and connect with leaders.

This article will look into how Indonesian companies are making their corporate events more effective. We'll talk about how they boost brand awareness and create unforgettable experiences. We'll also cover event promotion, experiential marketing, and sponsorship opportunities. These strategies can help you improve your corporate events marketing in Indonesia.

Key Takeaways

  • Corporate events in Indonesia offer a powerful platform to boost brand visibility and engage target audiences.
  • Effective event promotion strategies, including social media marketing and influencer collaborations, can drive event attendance and awareness.
  • Experiential marketing campaigns at corporate events create immersive and memorable experiences that leave a lasting impression on attendees.
  • Event sponsorship opportunities allow brands to align with industry-relevant events and gain valuable exposure.
  • Measuring event ROI and tracking lead generation are crucial for understanding the impact and optimizing future corporate event strategies.

The Importance of Corporate Events in Branding

Corporate events are key in making your brand known and creating lasting memories for your audience. They let companies show off their unique identity and values. This leaves a strong impression on those who attend2. These events are great for connecting with your target market, building loyalty, and engagement.

Building Brand Awareness

Brand events let customers connect with brands in a real way, building stronger bonds2. They help brands stand out and create loyal fans and a sense of belonging2. In Indonesia, corporate events are vital for growth, with planners working to set goals and manage budgets3.

Creating Memorable Experiences

Corporate events in Indonesia are also good for networking, partnering, and learning about the market2. A successful event isn't just about how many people come. It's about how well it meets goals, like generating leads and making sales2. Managing budgets and working with vendors is key to success, with planners handling marketing and promotion3.

According to Salesforce, 80% of exhibitors don't follow up with leads, missing a big chance to connect in Indonesia4. For small and medium businesses, corporate events are a big deal. They help with company culture, planning, teaching, and marketing4.

corporate branding events

Key Benefits of Corporate Events in Indonesia Description
Brand Awareness Corporate events offer a platform for physical customer engagement, building brand bonds and differentiating brands from competitors2.
Networking and Partnerships Events are beneficial for networking, partnering, and conducting market research to support business growth2.
Lead Generation Events present opportunities for lead generation, though many exhibitors fail to follow up, a missed opportunity4.
Branding and Marketing Corporate events can improve company culture, facilitate strategic planning, educate stakeholders, and support overall marketing efforts4.

"Corporate events are crucial for business growth and development in Indonesia."3

Types of Corporate Events to Consider

In Indonesia, there are many corporate event options. You can pick from conferences, trade shows, and product launches. Each event has its own benefits that can boost your marketing efforts5.

Conferences and Trade Shows

Conferences and trade shows are great for networking and sharing your expertise. They let you meet industry peers, potential clients, and decision-makers. This helps increase brand awareness and get valuable leads5.

Product Launches

Launching products in Indonesia is a good way to make a splash and connect with customers. A well-planned event lets you share your product's unique features and benefits. It also makes a lasting impression on attendees5.

Choosing the right corporate event is key to your business goals and audience. A successful event can increase brand visibility, create strong connections, and help your business grow5.

corporate events

"Corporate events are a powerful tool for building brand loyalty and driving business growth. By carefully selecting the right event format, companies in Indonesia can effectively connect with their target audience and achieve their marketing objectives."

The event's size is important too. Corporate events in Indonesia can be small with up to 100 people or big with up to 10,000 attendees6. You should think about the venue, budget, and how much engagement you want when deciding on the event size.

For a successful corporate event in Indonesia, you need a strong marketing plan. Use digital and traditional channels like emails, social media, websites, and event apps. This way, you can make your event more impactful and reach more people6.

Corporate Events Marketing Strategies

Creating a strong plan for corporate events in Indonesia is key. It includes planning, promoting, and checking how well the event did. Knowing who you want to reach, what you want to achieve, and what you have to work with is important. This helps make your events more effective7.

Using social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn is vital for promoting events7. Virtual events are also popular because they reach people all over the world7. Making events personal and targeting them well helps get more people involved and interested7.

Understanding who your audience is helps you reach them better7. Working with influencers and brands helps spread the word about your event7. Getting sponsors gives you the money and support you need for a successful event7. Making events fun with games can get people more involved and excited7.

Using data to see how well your marketing works is key7. It's important to measure how successful your events are and use that info to plan better for the future7. Selling tickets early can create excitement, and using automation can make things easier8.

Email marketing is a strong tool for reaching out to people8. Knowing who you want to reach and what they like is important for a successful event8. Getting people excited and building a community before the event helps make it a hit8. Setting clear goals and planning from there can help make your marketing strategy work better8.

Event marketing is key for many companies because it lets them talk directly to potential customers9. It's great for B2B marketing because it helps with networking and getting new leads9. Knowing your audience well helps you market better, and planning with clear goals makes your marketing more successful9. Making sure your event is engaging from start to finish is also important9.

Inbound marketing is about getting people interested by offering them valuable content9. Email marketing can help keep in touch with attendees by sending them updates and info about the event9.

Event Promotion Strategies

Promoting corporate events in Indonesia is a smart move. Companies use social media and influencer partnerships to get the word out and boost sign-ups10. These methods help reach more people and make the event more credible and visible, leading to more engagement.

Social Media Marketing

Sites like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook are key for promoting events11. Companies can create excitement, share important info, and get people to sign up through these platforms. They use event pages, live streaming, and real-time chats to connect with their audience11.

Influencer Collaborations

Working with influencers is a strong way to promote events in Indonesia12. Influencers bring trust and reach to the event, helping it get more attention and sign-ups. By teaming up with influencers, companies can use their networks and social media skills to make engaging content that speaks to their followers12.

By combining social media and influencer partnerships, Indonesian companies can effectively promote their corporate events101112.

event promotion strategies

Experiential Marketing Campaigns

To make a lasting impact and build strong connections with your audience, add experiential marketing to your corporate events. These experiences should match your brand's values and message. This way, you create meaningful interactions that stick with attendees13.

The experience economy has made event marketing tactics that focus on engagement strategies more popular. In 2018, experiential marketing spend hit $62 billion, showing a big jump after steady growth13. Also, 4 out of 5 marketing leaders plan to boost their event and experience budgets, showing how key experiential marketing is13.

Now, brands use experiential marketing because people value experiences more than goods. This leads to better customer engagement13. The trend is clear: more money is going into experiential marketing than traditional methods13.

Sensory marketing is a big part of experiential marketing. It can really change how people see a brand, like what Dunkin' Donuts did13. Brands are getting creative with sensory marketing. This can boost sales and loyalty, proving experiential marketing works13.

There are many ways to do experiential marketing, like pop-ups and workshops13. Brands use these to give customers unique and interactive experiences. Digital tools help brands reach customers in today's online world, like Fleetwood Paints did with their color consultation13.

The rise of experiential marketing has led to new ways to measure success13. Since 72% of millennials prefer spending on experiences over things14, and experiential marketing boosts event ROI14, it's a key strategy for marketers. They aim to engage their audience in a memorable way.

Experiential marketing campaigns

In today's economy, brands that focus on experiential marketing campaigns stand out. They build stronger customer ties and loyalty14. By offering immersive experiences, companies meet the desire for action and give value to customers through free products or knowledge14.

"Every guest at an experiential marketing event will walk away with a unique memory of the individual experience they had."

corporate events marketing

Corporate events marketing in Indonesia is a mix of new ideas and strategies. It helps show off brands, connect with people, and get real results15. By using social media and hands-on experiences, companies make events that people remember. These events help strengthen the brand and make a big impact.

Building brand awareness is a big part of corporate events marketing in Indonesia16. Events let businesses meet their audience, share their story, and stand out as leaders. With great content, speakers, and activities, companies share what makes them special. This builds a strong bond with the people who come.

Creating events that people will remember is key16. By focusing on what the audience likes, businesses can engage more deeply. Events in Indonesia offer a chance to show off products and build strong relationships with important people.

To make corporate events marketing work best, businesses in Indonesia should promote well15. This means using social media, working with influencers, and targeting their marketing. By doing this, companies can spread the word about their events. This leads to more people getting involved and reaching marketing goals.

Key Elements of Corporate Events Marketing in Indonesia Strategies and Tactics
Brand Awareness
  • Engaging content and speakers
  • Interactive brand experiences
  • Thought leadership positioning
Memorable Experiences
  • Tailored event design and programming
  • Networking and relationship-building opportunities
  • Immersive product demonstrations
Effective Promotion
  • Social media marketing
  • Influencer collaborations
  • Targeted advertising campaigns

By using a full and smart approach to corporate events marketing, businesses in Indonesia can make the most of this powerful tool. This helps them grow their brand, connect with their audience, and achieve success.

Corporate Events Marketing

Event Sponsorship Opportunities

Looking into event sponsorship can boost your event marketing strategies in Indonesia. By working with the right partners, you can reach more people, make your brand stronger, and maybe get extra money or help to make the event better17.

Event sponsorships are a great way to get your brand out there. They offer more value than old-school ads17. They let sponsors tap into a big audience, making their brand messages stronger and reaching new customers17. Plus, being a sponsor at big events can get your brand free media coverage17.

Sponsorships mean getting money for promoting at an event18. There are many kinds of sponsorships, like financial, in-kind, media, product, venue, speaker, and community sponsorships18. These sponsorships help brands get noticed by the right people through smart partnerships and creative ideas18.

When looking at corporate partnerships and sponsorship, check out the event details. Make sure they match your brand and target market17. Look at how successful the event is, like how many people came, the quality of leads, social media reach, and what people say about it17.

Sponsoring events is key for building community ties, helping events grow, and showing you care about social causes18. Small events can offer deep connections with specific groups, and event planners can make sponsorship deals that fit different brands17.

event sponsorship

By picking the right event sponsorship opportunities, you can make your brand more visible, reach new people, and build strong connections. This can help your event marketing do well in Indonesia1718.

Measuring Event ROI

It's key to know how well your corporate events do in terms of return on investment (ROI). By looking at metrics like lead generation and analyzing event data, you can see how your marketing works. This helps you make your events better and more effective.

Tracking Lead Generation

In Indonesia, finding new customers at events is important19. Working with sponsors and partners helps make events more valuable19. To figure out an event's profit, you subtract its costs from its value19.

Analyzing Event Data

Events in Indonesia help make brands more known, reaching more people19. Social media is big in Indonesia, helping events get noticed19. Costs for events include things like travel, lodging, and more19.

To find out an event's ROI in Indonesia, use this formula: (Net Value/Net Cost) × 10019. This shows how well the event did and its success19. Knowing the ROI is key for growth and making events better19.

There are different ways to calculate ROI, depending on the event and its goals20. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) shows how happy attendees were20. There are also different ways to see which marketing efforts helped the most20.

ROI (%) = (Net Profit / Total Investment) x 10020 Net Promoter Score (NPS) helps measure satisfaction20. There are various ways to see which marketing efforts worked best20.

ROI can look at revenue from tickets, leads from events, and how well the brand is known20. It can also look at how much it costs to get new customers and how happy employees are20. Long-term ROI looks at how events help build relationships and loyalty20.

For event success, track revenue and expenses21. Important metrics include ticket sales and how well sponsors did21. Social media and email metrics show how well marketing worked21.

For virtual events, track things like how many people logged in and how much they interacted21. It's also important to see what topics were most interesting and how people felt after the event21. To figure out ROI, compare what you spent to what you made, and think about volunteer costs too21.

Use past data and advice from partners to set goals for your events21. Showing the value of events to leaders and sponsors is key for support21.

event ROI metrics

"Measuring event ROI is crucial for driving growth, transparency, and continual optimization in the event industry."19

Indonesia Marketing Festival (IMF) 2024

Pilot Marketing: Flying in Turbulence

The Indonesia Marketing Festival (IMF) 2024 is a key event for businesses in Indonesia. It offers a chance to learn about new marketing strategies and navigate the ups and downs of business. The theme, "Pilot Marketing: Flying in Turbulence," will focus on how to excel in a tough business world. Industry leaders, business experts, and government officials will share new ways to succeed22.

The 12th IMF is set for August 20, 2024, in Bandung. It's all about "Low Budget, High Impact Marketing," focusing on Quality, Cost, Delivery, and Service (QCDS)22. MarkPlus Institute is behind it, with Hermawan Kartajaya leading the way as Marketing Indonesia Ambassador and founder of MCorp22.

At the festival, there were seminars and deep talks by Jacky Mussry, CEO of MarkPlus Institute. There were also panel discussions with top industry leaders. The goal was to teach marketing pros how to make a big impact without spending a lot. They covered topics like digital marketing, content strategy, and building customer relationships22.

IMF 2024 aimed to spark big changes in marketing in Indonesia. It encouraged companies to use smarter, more efficient marketing methods. MarkPlus Institute hopes the event will help save costs and add value for customers and businesses22.

Pekanbaru is the second city to host the IMF 2024, after Yogyakarta. It's a chance for marketing pros to meet up every year23. Markplus stresses the need for marketers and businesses to stay current with global trends23.

Hermawan Kartajaya, the head of Markplus, talks about the importance of keeping up with tech and using AI in marketing. He notes the economic challenges but says staying adaptable is key23.

There was a campus day seminar for students starting their businesses. Asisten I Setdaprov Riau, Zulkifli Syukur, talked about how events and marketing help local economies grow23. Digital marketing is seen as a great way to boost sales, thanks to social media's effect on buyers23.

Businesses and UMKM in Riau have made up to Rp50 billion thanks to successful partnerships. The event is a two-day affair, focusing on helping young entrepreneurs grow their businesses and be sustainable23.

"We must be open to current global trends and adapt our marketing strategies to the advancements in technology and AI. Embracing these changes will be crucial for businesses to thrive in these challenging times."

- Hermawan Kartajaya, Founder and Chairman of Markplus

Event Locations and Dates

The Indonesia Marketing Festival (IMF) 2024 will be held in 7 major cities across Indonesia. This makes it easy for people to attend24. Here are the event locations and dates:

JOGLOSEMAR @Yogyakarta

The IMF 2024 starts in Yogyakarta, the cultural heart of Java, from April 5-7, 2024. This city is famous for its culture and arts. It's a great place for marketing pros to meet, learn, and get inspired.

RIAU KEPRI @Pekanbaru

Next, the IMF 2024 heads to Pekanbaru, the capital of Riau province, from May 3-5, 2024. Known for its beauty and growth, Pekanbaru is ready to welcome marketing experts from everywhere.

SUMSEL @Palembang

Then, the festival goes to Palembang, a city in South Sumatra, from June 7-9, 2024. With its mix of history and modernity, Palembang is perfect for marketing talks and teamwork.


Next, the IMF 2024 moves to Manado, the capital of North Sulawesi, from July 5-7, 2024. Manado is known for its stunning views and tasty food. It's a great place for marketing pros to dive into the local scene.

BALI NUSRA @Denpasar

The festival then goes to Denpasar, the heart of Bali, from August 2-4, 2024. Denpasar is a cultural and economic center. It offers a beautiful setting for marketing events, blending modern and traditional vibes.


After that, the IMF 2024 will be in Bandung, the capital of West Java, from September 6-8, 2024. Bandung is famous for its arts and food. It's a lively place for marketing pros to meet and share new ideas.

JATIM @Surabaya

Finally, the IMF 2024 ends in Surabaya, the second-largest city in Indonesia, from October 4-6, 2024. Surabaya is a business hub with great infrastructure. It's the perfect place for the event's big finale, where marketing pros can wrap up their journey.

The IMF 2024 is held in 7 key locations across Indonesia. This makes it easy for marketing pros from all over to join24. Whether you're from the west, center, or east, this event is a chance to connect, learn, and grow in Indonesia's marketing world.

Indonesia Marketing Festival (IMF) 2024 Event Locations

Event Registration and Information

Join the Indonesia Marketing Festival (IMF) 2024 to dive into the world of corporate event marketing. Visit the official IMF 2024 website25 to register and get the latest event details.

The registration is easy and flexible, offering many options for your needs. With over 1,000 form fields and 12 types in HubSpot's free online form builder25, you can customize your event sign-up. Platforms like Google Forms Workspace and Splash also offer flexible pricing25.

If you're attending a free or paid event, IMF 2024 has you covered. Eventbrite's simple three-step sign-up and free plans for free events25 make it easy. vFairs also offers a detailed quote for their full registration software25.

IMF 2024 has teamed up with top platforms like SpotMe and RSVPify. These tools give you customizable registration pages, adaptive forms, and real-time tracking. This way, you can enjoy the event more25.

Accelevents is another great partner, offering custom registration for any event type. They have tools for attendee groups and automated emails25. With these tools, your event sign-up will be smooth and easy.

Don't miss out on the Indonesia Marketing Festival (IMF) 2024. Visit the official website now to secure your spot at this key event for marketing pros26.

IMF 2024 Event Registration


Effective corporate events marketing in Indonesia means planning well, using new ways to promote events, and checking how well they do. Social media, working with influencers, and experiential marketing campaigns help show off a brand, connect with people, and get real results27.

The Indonesia Marketing Festival (IMF) 2024 is a great chance to see new trends and strategies in corporate events marketing. Industry events are very trusted for solving business problems, with 33.6% of people picking them as their go-to resource28. Also, B2B event marketing helps with big business goals, like making sales, teaching customers, getting leads, and making brands more known28.

Going to IMF 2024 lets marketers and event pros learn new things, meet others in the field, and find new ways to boost their corporate events marketing plans. Live events take up about 29% of B2B marketing budgets, with a lot going to big conferences, trade shows, and one-day events28. The event will be a place to see new trends, share tips, and look into how event sponsorship opportunities help brands get noticed and engage with people.


What are the key benefits of hosting corporate events in Indonesia?

Hosting events in Indonesia can boost your brand's visibility. It also creates unforgettable experiences for your audience. Plus, it strengthens your connection with your target market.

What are the different types of corporate events to consider in Indonesia?

Indonesia offers various corporate events like conferences, trade shows, and product launches. Each type has its own benefits and chances to connect with your audience.

How can businesses effectively promote their corporate events in Indonesia?

To promote your events, use social media and work with influencers. This helps spread the word and build excitement around your event.

What is the role of experiential marketing in corporate events in Indonesia?

Experiential marketing adds depth to your events. It makes them interactive and true to your brand. This approach leaves a strong impression on attendees and builds connections.

How can businesses explore event sponsorship opportunities in Indonesia?

Working with organizations or leaders in your industry can expand your reach. It strengthens your brand's image and might bring more resources to improve your event.

How can businesses measure the return on investment (ROI) of their corporate events in Indonesia?

Keep an eye on lead generation and analyze event data. This helps you understand how well your marketing works. You can then make your strategy better.

What is the Indonesia Marketing Festival (IMF) 2024, and why is it a must-attend event?

The Indonesia Marketing Festival (IMF) 2024 is a top event for marketing pros and business leaders. It's a chance to learn about new strategies and navigate Indonesia's business scene.

Where and when will the Indonesia Marketing Festival (IMF) 2024 be held?

The IMF 2024 will take place in 7 major cities across Indonesia. These include Yogyakarta, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Manado, Denpasar, Bandung, and Surabaya.

How can I register for the Indonesia Marketing Festival (IMF) 2024 and access the latest event information?

To join the IMF 2024 and get the latest updates, visit the official website at the provided link.

Source Links

  1. Digital Marketing Asia Indonesia 2024 -
  2. Importance of Brand Events: Why They are Essential for Building a Strong Brand Identity — Ovation Square -
  3. The Role of Corporate Event Planner in Corporate Events -
  4. Is Hosting Corporate Event Important for your Business? -
  5. 20 Types of Corporate Events You Should Know About - Social Tables -
  6. A Must-Know Guide To Corporate Event Planning -
  7. Innovative Event Marketing Strategies to Boost Corporate and Social Events -
  8. Event Marketing Strategy: Essential Guide 2024 I Sweap -
  9. 8 Top Marketing Strategies for an Event Management Company -
  10. The Ultimate Guide to Event Marketing -
  11. The best strategies for promoting a corporate event -
  12. Event Marketing - The Ultimate Guide -
  13. What is Experiential Marketing and How is it Different From Event Marketing? | AnyRoad -
  14. Best Experiential Marketing Campaigns - ITA Group -
  15. Corporate Events & Marketing Manager - Industry Engagement -
  16. Corporate Event Marketing at GitLab -
  17. What is Event Sponsorship and why it matters to your marketing - The Leadership Institute -
  18. 10 Benefits of Event Sponsorship: Supercharge Your Brand Presence -
  19. A Comprehensive Guide to Event ROI -
  20. No title found -
  21. How to Measure Event ROI: 7 Easy Steps + Metrics to Track -
  22. Telkom Regional 2 Raih Penghargaan MarkPlus: Indonesia Marketing Festival 2024 -
  23. IMF Chapter Pekanbaru: Dunia Usaha Harus Terbuka dengan Tren Dunia Termasuk AI -
  24. An event manager’s guide to corporate event planning -
  25. 11 Best Event Registration Tools -
  26. 10 event registration strategies to boost attendance -
  27. Conclusion: The Future of Brand Loyalty Through Experiential Marketing -
  28. Four Critical Event Marketing Conclusions from Four Research Reports -

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