

The Path to Success: Embracing Rewarding & Awarding

Rewarding & Awarding with Alcor Prime

An effective marketing strategy is essential for brand differentiation in today’s competitive market. Alcor Prime empowers businesses to harness the potential of Rewarding & Awarding as a dynamic marketing asset. In the dynamic business landscape, acknowledging outstanding achievements and utilizing…

Successful Product Launching

In the dynamic and highly competitive Indonesian market, a successful product launch is critical to gaining a competitive edge and leaving a lasting impression on your target audience. At Alcor Prime, we understand the crucial role that product launch plays…

The Benefits of Collaboration Events 

networking events with Alcor Prime

One of the best ways to improve sales is by organizing a business event inviting many suppliers and attendees. Many business people begin their successful journey by creating a collaboration event. Some benefits of this occasion could be adopted in…

Mengenal Apa Itu Talkshow dan Tips untuk Mengadakannya

Diskusi Panel

Talkshow merupakan kata yang berasal dari ungkapan bahasa Inggris, yang terdiri dari dua kata yaitu talk yang artinya obrolan atau perbincangan, dan show yang artinya tontonan atau pertunjukan. Kegiatan ini dapat dijumpai dalam acara yang ditayangkan di televisi, radio, dan…

Ketahui Kegiatan dan Tujuan Diadakannya Diskusi Panel

Internal Corporate Events at Alcor Prime

Diskusi panel sering diterapkan di sejumlah perusahaan di Indonesia untuk membahas suatu tema tertentu. Biasanya, diskusi ini dilakukan dengan tujuan tertentu di suatu perusahaan. Lantas, apa itu diskusi panel? Apa saja yang dilakukan para panelis diskusi dan apa tujuannya? Berikut…

How to Plan Successful Team-Building Events

Team-Building Events

Nowadays many companies realize the importance of creating team-building events. Developing people’s skills is very significant in creating a comfortable environment in the professional field. If you plan to organize successful team-building events, you can follow the rules below. Team-building…

Elevate Your Workshop Experience

Welcome to Alcor Prime, where the power of workshops takes center stage! If you’re a firm or company planning a workshop and need expert assistance to make it a memorable and impactful experience, you’ve come to the right place. At…
